Behind The Cradle Of Life

Meet the driving force behind our success..

Shamir Peermohamed

Co-Founder & COO

Shamir oversees the seamless coordination and execution of operations at The Cradle of Life Limited. His leadership is marked by a strategic vision that aligns with the ever-evolving demands of the production industry. Under his guidance, the production house continues to thrive, setting benchmarks for excellence in audio-visual productions. His ability to seamlessly blend visual elements with compelling narratives has resulted in the creation of immersive and impactful content. From conceptualization to execution, Shamir has played a key role in shaping the visual identity of projects undertaken by The Cradle of Life Limited.

Dawn Athanasius

Co-Founder & CEO

With a rich background in radio broadcasting and digital marketing, Dawn brings a unique blend of creative vision and strategic acumen to her role. Her leadership is characterized by a fusion of creativity and business acumen, driving the production house to new heights of success. Under her guidance, The Cradle of Life Limited continues to be a pioneering force, setting standards in the ever-evolving realm of digital content creation and audio visual productions.

Embark on a visual journey through our videography realm, where excellence is not just a standard but a commitment. From compelling promotional videos and immersive documentaries to captivating interviews and dynamic ads, our high-quality visual services bring your ideas to life with precision and creativity, ensuring each frame tells a story worth watching.


These are the people living on our continent, this is who they are, what they do, where they are from, sharing their potential and outlook in the hopes of allowing other like-minded individuals to do the same and inspire the next generation.

Well Of Inspiraton

A transformative series of motivational videos that quench your thirst for empowerment, leaving ripples of positivity in every frame.

African Explorations

Join us on this cinematic journey that captures the vibrant tapestry of diverse experiences across the continent, one frame at a time.